Here is another Fall themed coaster set I made that went over well at a craft fair this weekend.
Ok-So I began picking these guys weeks ago and knew I would try to sell these.
So-your asking-did she really sell these and did anyone buy them?
You Betcha' they did!!! I sold over a half dozen and still have a few for next weekend's event. I even had one woman say that she finds them a nuisance and kicks them off her porch. After a few minutes of discussing what to with them she said " I guess I take for granted what drops out my back door". I do know a certain big box store is selling them in their home goods dept for $13.00 for a small package-and they are from China-Plastic acorns-Small. Not Large and homegrown in the USA!
Need I say that I am married to a Cheap Polish Man with all sorts of ideas to make money!
NEED some of these?-Contact me and I will sell what I have left. Pine Cones-Yup-got those too, in all sizes. You have to smile. Share me with someone today.
ROTFL! Is your cheap polish guy related to my cheap polish guy? Love your stuff! Came here via your tiles in the SCS gallery. Subscribed in my Yahoo reader so I don't miss any of your cool stuff!