This is a tale of three white pumpkins. Three PLAIN white pumpkins that are begging to be decorated. I know some of you have seen this idea out there but I hope you like my added Glitz! Plus-It's my 100th Post!!!
So here is a Picture tutorial for you.
Get everything you need to deck out the pumpkins.
I am using the Black Spooky Things Decor Elements from the Holiday Mini.
#120909 (Black) or #122296 (Dark Gray) for $14.95. The Designer Jewels #120987 Black Flourish $4.95. I used two for this project.
Trim out the piece you need then scrape it down with our applicator (#114285 $1.95).
Then peel back slowly and adhere to your pumpkin or item you are putting the decor element onto.
Almost there. It needs "FLOURISH"!
So-Use the sticky transfer paper to put the jewels on. I admit-this did take some doing. Probably a 6 out of 10 on difficulty. Perhaps it is the operator and not the product!!!
I have added on the ends a bit of Glitz with our Basic Rhinestones (#119246 $4.95).
Hard to see but it's Purdy.
Ta Da!!
Final Resting Spot above the Kitchen Cabinets.
Oh-And Regarding My Holiday Stamp Camp-I still have room for 20 of you on Saturday Nov 6th and 5 left for Sunday Nov 7th!!!
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