I want to thank all my guests and current customers that attended my 2-day Holiday Stamp Camp this year. I also want to thank some of the Most Awesome Demonstrators and Stampin' Up!® for the ideas that I all or gently cased.
I am truly blessed in being a Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator. I have met some Wonderful Customers that I truly feel are my friends, not just people passing by with an order here and there. I also LOVE putting together Stamp Camps and classes and watching people gather and CREATE. I also LOVE to bring new people to my Stampin' Up!® team who Love to stamp, create and put ideas into motion. So-Right now until Tuesday-Nov.30th. You can sign up as a Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator for 1/2 Price -YIPEE!! Just click on the Side info to my left of this info. Then go to JOIN MY TEAM-watch any of the videos and if you are ready-go to my site-and sign up online. My Special password is Goose. Here are some tp questions I have been asked:
#1 Question-How much do I need to sell to stay active?
You must sell $300 PER QUARTER-Not per month! Collect orders through book shows-showing a catalog,etc. Have a show or two. Perhaps have a class-like a stamp a stack.
#2 Question-What if I just want to try it for 6 months and then just quit.
Sure-no problems there. You can leave anytime without any guilt or fees.
#3 Question-What if I just want to buy and maybe just sell to friends, or not really go out and demo rather have a class (stamp camps, etc) at my home.
Certainly. I started having classes in my home about 13 years ago. My first Open House to introduce the neighbors to me and Stamp Camps were in my home. In fact as I built my business -most of my events were in my home. It was Great fun.
Now a lot of my classes are in coffee shops, motel/hotels,churches, peoples basements, etc.
#4 Question-Can you help me get started?
Yes. I help you get started and along the way help you with ideas,etc. Plus-there is a whole community of Stampin' Up!® Demonstrators to help you too on the Stampin' Up!® Website with over 100,000 plus ideas and video's etc. So much more help then when I first started oh so long ago. Ahh-sometimes it's like yesterday!!!
#4 Question– Do I have to live near you to sign up?
No. I signed up with a gal from Michigan. You can sign up from anywhere in the USA! -Give me a call on my cell phone if you want to talk to me first hand-#262-374-0219 (Central)
Want more-want your own group-want to earn cruises, money, recognition among your demonstrator friends and co-workers? You can do Anything, Be anything and earn what you want.
I would love to have you on my team-the Dairy Best Stampers!
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