I know-You have been waiting for this. It's MY 5 days of Christmas ideas.
Let the Fun begin:
Christmas Ideas 2013-Day 1
–Glittered Ornaments–
I recently shared a picture on Facebook, of my goods that I sell at Craft Fairs, Boutiques, etc.
There are lots of ideas on "how to" shared on Pinterest. One of the ideas is using Floor Polish. I was not Happy with this at all. I tried it. What happened was that after 5 days of drying-I moved the ornament and all the glitter fell down to the bottom of the ornament. This is not what you want. I shook the others, same thing-most to all the glitter fell off. All 15 ornaments were a total waste. So I washed them out, started again. This time, I used the method I learned a long time ago using ink pad reinkers-Not Floor polish stuff.
It's not hard and it makes for a stunning gift.
Take a blank glass ornament (I have not played with the acrylic ones yet) and add about 24 drops of reinker (water based ink pad reinkers) to the inside. Yes, I did count!
I used Marina Mist Ink refill. The Glitter was a retired Fine Blue Glitter from over the years that we have sold. You can certainly use the tried and true-Dazzling Diamond Glitter #102023 $4.50 as it will give you similar results. The ornament is a flatter style of ornament but you can use any shape.
Now start to turn it, tipping slightly, but coating the whole inside. Make sure the inside rim is coated. At this time you should be able to tip ornament upside down and drain your ornament.
The whole inside will be coated and the access will drip out. I usually wait about 5 min.
Now add glitter. I use about 5 teaspoons and shake gently to coat. Then dump out. You can re-use some of this for the next ornament but add fresh to the used glitter each time.
Put your top back on and that's it. Easy. Enjoy many years of this glittered Ornament.
On my Blue ornaments I used some of our old Rub-On's from a few years ago.
To prepare for Rub-Ons-make sure you use an alcohol wipe on the outside. This removes the "fire coating" that is on all items. Otherwise, the rub-ons do not adhere very well, if at all.
An easy way to add embellishments if you don't have rub-ons is -Punch out decorative papers, etc and use Glue-Dots to attach. Super easy but still stunning.
You can also Stamp on ornaments. Use the Embossing Buddy to leave a bit of white coating. Then ink up a stamp with versamark Ink and gently press. Then add embossing powder. You can gently brush away any access powder. Now-Carefully heat emboss. I recommend the heat and tool should be about 6-8 inches away. It should be just far enough to not heat up the entire ornament but enough so that you you don't burn yourself and it should emboss fairly quickly.
So what I learned from Pinterest? Just because it is a Pin, and many have pinned it, Does not mean that it "works".
But that said, I am a HUGE Fan of Pinterest and will continue to pin.
Stars on other side:
Of course-you must place in an Awesome New Stampin' Up!® Box-Our Decorative Window Gift Box #132146 $4.95. You get 6 of these Kraft Boxes. Cookies would be great in here but my flatter shaped ornament works Perfectly.
All tied up and ready for Gift Giving:
Good Luck and Enjoy making these type of stunning ornaments for yourself.
On a personal note:
I know-many of you have asked where have I been, what's up.
Sometimes you have to take care of Family. I know my Blog has suddenly dropped off a cliff in the last month, and well, so did our family life. I hope to be back in full swing after the New Year. Right now things are hectic with Don's Family, His Mom's back at home, out of the Hospital and doing OK as can be expected. (Note: Nov 18th My 84 yr old Mother-In Law fell in her basement in Chicago and broke her Femur). Don still travels back in forth to 1 1/2 hrs plus to Chicago every other day to make sure she and her Daughter (Don's older Sister) are doing well. It's just what has to be done at this time. I will only share this little bit of info so that you know that all is well but that we are dealing with not well and Extreme Stubborn relatives. It is what it is and unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better. I am still creating behind the scenes but haven't felt like expressing it on my blog. But, as I said, I plan-and God laughs at me, on being more expressive and creative on my Blog come January. Thoughts and prayers of my family are Welcome. Thanks for checking in on me.
See you tomorrow for Day 2 of My 5 Days of Christmas Ideas.
Hi Laura, I just wanted to let you know you will be in my thoughts over the holiday season and coming year. I wish you and yours ( stubborn or not) a wonderful time with lots of happy moments. I hope that things get better for you and that you start to share again. Your blog is inspirational. Take care . Xxx Lisa. Xxx