I have NEW 2014-2015 Catalogs.
Lots of them.
Want one?
You Betcha YOU DO!
Just click here and you can get one for FREE –Just pay for the shipping. You will also get a new version of my Do Not Disturb Kit & New Coupons.
Information on my New Catalog Open House:
I have 2 days scheduled for my New Catalog Open House. One is a fun “come see ” at the Caribou Coffee-Downtown Lake Geneva, WI on Friday, June 6th from 5PM-9PM. Come on in for a new Catalog, see new product, make and take fun ideas. Book a Party/Workshop with me and get a really nice Hostess Gift along with your packet.
My Second date will be at Subway in Walworth, WI Saturday, July 12th from Noon until 4PM. I will have more space at this venue. You can see me demonstrate New “must have” product & how to convert wood and roller wheel stamps into clear mount. You will have a chance to shop my (very large) retired Cash and Carry, a Make and Take project and of course-Yummie Subway food.
Both of these events are Free.
Place an order at either event and have a chance at a door prize worth up to $60 in New Product.
If you can’t make it and still would like to book a workshop- No worries, just contact me and I will get your packet in the mail or if nearby, drop it off to you personally. Trust me, you will want to have a workshop to see what’s New and exciting. This has to be the BEST Catalog yet!!!!
I will keep you up to date on this information and will share again.
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