Get Set!
Just click on this picture to see all the color ink pad groups.
Now through July 31, new recruits will receive a FREE assortment of Classic Stampin’ Pads of their choosing in addition to their Starter Kit. HOW AWESOME IS THIS!!!! I have never seen a special like this before. I say, try it. Our kit is $99-you pick $125.00 of product along with your color group of Ink Pads (Value of $67.50-WOW!!!!!)
BUT WAIT- there is more.
Click on this picture to open the PDF:
Now that’s exciting! A fabulous way to get a bunch of our Designer Series Papers in your hands, with one for Free. Our papers are wonderful this year, yes, yes, I say it every year, but it’s true. If you don’t already have our Catalog to view them, just click on the side and download our Stampin’ Up! Catalog. Want one? Visit here. Because you need one!If you are local, let me know and I will drop one off to you.
JOIN MY TEAM/JOIN THE FUN and get 10 Free Ink Pads in your starter kit:
I am always looking to grow my team the Dairy Best Stampers and would LOVE to have you join me. You can live anywhere in the USA and sign up with me. A goal of mine would be to have a Demonstrator in every state. That would be so cool. With Facebook Live and the opportunity to watch videos on YouTube at your leisure, It is possible to have teams meet and learn at any time. Stampin’ Up! is 30 years old this year and isn’t going anywhere but upward and onward. What a perfect time to join. 20+ yrs ago, I contacted a Demonstrator in Michigan, who had a brother living in my town. She told me a little bit about Stampin’ Up!, like how I could Demonstrate and make money while doing what I loved. I loved Rubber Stamping, of course, it’s evolved over the years but my love has not gone away. I love to create and to share with anyone and everyone. It’s my Passion. You do not have to demonstrate if you do not want to. You can just be your own Hostess and order for you and your friends and get a discount. You do not need a blog or FaceBook Live to show what you love unless YOU want to. I want to, so I do. You can do as much as you want or as little as you want. Maybe you use to be Demonstrator, possibly dropped recently. This is an Amazing deal for you too.
Whether you Join only for the discount, or as a Hobby Demonstrator, or perhaps you are looking for a new business opportunity, Stampin’ Up! maybe just what you are looking for. Over the years, I’ve been able to be both a Hobby Demonstrator and then switched to be a business-minded demonstrator when the time came. I have been saying for over 20 years, try it for at least 6 months, You may just LOVE IT. Click here to learn more.
Now THAT is a Post to start off July with a BANG! Happy July everyone and the 2nd 1/2 of 2018.
ENJOY!! I hope my post gives you something to think about seriously and let some serious Fun begin!!
+++++ January Hostess Code 77SGDFMG+++++
If you are placing an order of $25.00-$149.00 go ahead and use the Hostess Code. If your order is over $150.00 + then You are the Hostess and you should not use the code. The Hostess code is for me to give my Online customers a little something (product, etc) at the end of the month when I have enough in Online sales. I give a FREE Tutorial PDF with all Online Orders delivered to your Mailbox with a hand-stamped card as a way to Thank You. I appreciate all orders.

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