There is so much going on this month. Summer-Yea, that’s happening! Retiring items from the Mini catalog. There are so many deals plus so much is leaving, just click on the banner to download the PDF.
Some of these kits are Nonstamping kits. If you think a kit isn’t for you, prove yourself wrong. You can turn these base kits into so much more, especially those of you who are long-time crafters. Click on the big ad below and visit my store today.
Place an order with me this month, and get the next mini catalog sent to you (you know the one with the Holiday and Autumn fun!!!!). Plus, the Sale-A-Bration begins in July and August. Oh yeah. Exciting times are happening.
Happy Shopping and ENJOY!
+++++ January Hostess Code 77SGDFMG+++++
If you are placing an order of $25.00-$149.00 go ahead and use the Hostess Code. If your order is over $150.00 + then You are the Hostess and you should not use the code. The Hostess code is for me to give my Online customers a little something (product, etc) at the end of the month when I have enough in Online sales. I give a FREE Tutorial PDF with all Online Orders delivered to your Mailbox with a hand-stamped card as a way to Thank You. I appreciate all orders.

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