Hi there. I know-one minute it is Sept 1st and the next-it’s Sept. 13th!!!! This is what I have been up to. August 30th was the Baby Expo at Hawks View Golf Course. A Lucky Winner got the Gift Basket worth $40.
The next event was a Shared Booth with Demonstrator Robyn Scherzer and her group from Elkhorn WI. One of my gals from my group -Beth Ostrander-who did a Shoebox Swap with Robyn’s group passed the on the info about this opportunity. All the ideas on the board were from Convention swaps along with all the close ups. One of my Favorite pieces is this Cool Halloween Box that Robyn received from a WOW swap. Really Fun! All of our samples combined made for a Very attractive Display. Beth and I split the hours with the Elkhorn group and it went very well. Each of us had several 4 hour shifts and changed out our Door Prize forms and books etc. I did bring old sets for sale during my time. It was the FIRST time that STAMPIN’ UP!® was represented at this 160 year old Fair. Enjoy!
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