On Saturday, the place to be was the Log Cabin. I was able to show off a full spread of my products on a fabulous 8 foot table, my display board, and a hands-on station. It was great. I shared my space with the Wisconsin Home & Community Education ladies, and the weather was perfect.
I had kids and adults make tags with gift bags and card fronts. A lot of time and prep for this years fair.
On Sunday, I had my last day at The Coop with a Fall theme. It was after September 1st, and it was time for me to roll out back to school, and a feeling of Autumn. My group made a fall themed Giant Paper Clip bookmark. Or it was a way to put a tip! We also made the cute new mini curvy keepsake box with a bit of caramel to place inside. It was a fun way to end my Walworth County stint.
Hmmm, see that “reader”, that is my fearless leader, Kathy. I truly appreciate her and grateful I can bring great content to my visitors every year.
Don’t forget to visit my new storefront-http://lauraz.stampinup.net. and see how wonderful it looks. Most importantly, how easy it will be to shop. Stampin’ Up! updated our storefront, company wide and I’m just over the top thrilled. It was time, oh, say- 6 years ago already to be updated but they were too busy creating fun stuff for us to stamp with. I get it and I’m sure you do to. Priorities!
You still have a few days to purchase the buy three get one free designer series paper sale plus signing up for a Paper Pumpkin Subscription.
+++++ January Hostess Code 77SGDFMG+++++
If you are placing an order of $25.00-$149.00 go ahead and use the Hostess Code. If your order is over $150.00 + then You are the Hostess and you should not use the code. The Hostess code is for me to give my Online customers a little something (product, etc) at the end of the month when I have enough in Online sales. I give a FREE Tutorial PDF with all Online Orders delivered to your Mailbox with a hand-stamped card as a way to Thank You. I appreciate all orders.

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